Shenzhen Feasycom Technology CO.,LTD has always been at the forefront of technology. Hardware has always been a little behind, then suddenly there is a product that really meets the criteria of simple to deploy, is cost effective, integrates well, does what it is intended to do.Feasycom always aming at ''Make Communication Easy and Free''. Today I'd like to share some features about FSC-BT616 bluetooth low energy wireless transceiver module. If you have ever heard about FSC-BT616 , let me a summary about BT616 bluetooth modules .I think HC-05 and HC-06 are the most popular Bluetooth module.But these are Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR.In BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) domain, HM-10 is popular. And there are many clone models like AT09.These module using same Bluetooth LE chipset that is Ti CC2541.And circuit is very similar. But, be careful about the difference of firmware. AT command also different.FSC-BT616 is clone of it.So ,the main strength of FSC-BT616 are the chipset and bluetooth version, TI CC2640 Chipset .BT5.0. Another BLE module, HM-11 has small form factor. And if you think FSC-BT616 size it is big,then we recommend FSC-BT630. FSC-BT630 adopt Nordic 52832 Chipset .BT5.0 .BT630 support multiple roles.1 master+multiple slave. If you want learn more about FSC-BT616 and FSC-BT630 ,just contact feasycom